Skate Park

Perfect your moves at Jamestown’s Skate Park. It is conveniently located just east of Jamestown’s main street on Cockburn Rd. Keep your camera handy to capture that ‘perfect stunt’.


If you want a gentle walk, stroll along the Belalie Creek. If you are more of a power walker, take to the Jacka Creek Walking Trail, a 2 km linear trail that snakes along the western edge of Jamestown. The tree-lined trail is pram and wheelchair-friendly, and ideal for youngsters on pushbikes. Or head out to Bundaleer Forest, where you can choose to amble along the Maple Walk or step up the intensity on the Conservators Walk and the Panoramic Walk. These walks all start from the picnic grounds off Springs Road, Bundaleer.


While in Jamestown why not hire a bike and see what the town has to offer at a leisurely pace?

Or if you’re after something a little more adventurous, make a day of it, pack a picnic and take on one of Jamestown’s cycling trails, either north to Mannanarie or south to Bundaleer.

Sporting Facilities

A recreation and sporting ground (featuring a well-maintained cricket oval, newly resurfaced synthetic tennis courts and a hall for hire) is adjacent the picnic ground.

A golf course takes pride of place at the northern end of the reserve.

Trail Rides in the Forest

The KTM Trail Rides are held annually (in August) in the magnificent Bundaleer Forest.
Riders experience open riding and ridge riding which opens up amazing views across beautiful valleys.
Phone: Gerry 0427 470 007,

Other Activities

Bundaleer Forest is also ideal for orienteering, rogaining (the sport of long distance cross-country navigation), geo-caching, bird watching, horse riding and exploring flora and fauna and photography.

Most days you’ll see kangaroos and euros, and sometimes an echidna. Listen for kookaburras and spot a brightly coloured Mallee Ringneck.

Walking & Cycling

Whether you like a gentle stroll, invigorating hike or pushing pedals
you’ll find a trail that suits you.

The whole family will enjoy the gentle Maple Walk and the interactive Sculpture Walk.
For the more adventurous try the Scenic and Conservator’s Trails which take around 1.5 hours.

Explore Heritage Buildings

Bundaleer, a South Australian Heritage Icon, remains rich with the heritage of its early days, with many of its buildings restored and heritage listed.

Visit the home of the first Conservator of Forests in South Australia, 19th century tree planting enthusiast, Scotsman John Ednie Brown.

Visit Curnow’s Hut, the home of Bundaleer Forest’s first nurseryman William Curnow, who invented ‘tubestock’ using cut bamboo to nurture his seedlings.